Barnes & Noble Mini Maker Faire

Ocean State Maker Mill members will be at the Barnes & Noble Mini Maker Faire in Warwick, RI today, starting at 1:00 pm. We’ll be chatting making and maker culture, 3D printing, and more. We’ll also have active 3D printer demos. Hope to see you there!

Moat Boat Paddle Battle NYC a Success!

Moat Boat

The second running of the Moat Boat Paddle Battle – this time at World Maker Faire NYC – was a huge success!

Check out the updates at and let us know what you think!  If you were a participant in the Moat Boat Paddle Battle, we’d love to hear from you.  Drop us a line at

Plans are in the works for our next running of the Moat Boat Paddle Battle, so stay tuned!

As always, Ocean State Maker Mill would like to thank our sponsors SeeMeCNC and Make:.

Ocean State Maker Mill Open House


This Sunday (9/20), join us for an Open House at Ocean State Maker Mill as part of Design Week RI!

From 1:00 – 4:00 pm, stop in and say hi at the Mill on Fountain (80 Fountain Street, #318, Pawtucket RI).  Get more familiar with the equipment and tools of the design world, including 3D Printers, CNC machines, soldering and woodworking tools and more.

Beginners to seasoned pros, adults to youth, everyone is invited to attend this free event!  We’ll see you there!

Ocean State Maker Mill

80 Fountain Street, #318, Pawtucket RI

Sunday, 9/20 from 1:00 – 4:00 pm

Moat Boat Paddle Battle is BACK! Enter to Win a 3D Printer!



It’s the return of the Moat Boat Paddle Battle, and this time, we’re bringing it to our own coast!

After an awesome turnout at Maker Faire Bay Area in May, we’re on the lookout for East Coasters to bring their racing prowess to World Maker Faire New York on September 26th and 27th.  Create your very own boat (just follow the rules), or download one of our free sample boats to get you started.

We’ll have two race classes: Youth Closed (for ages 15 and under only) and Open Class for all ages.  Get all the details on each class here.

Our awesome sponsors SeeMeCNC are with us again for the World Maker Faire New York battle – and thanks to them, we’ll have Orion Delta and Rostock Max 3D printers as prizes for the winners.

Ready, set, go!  Enter your boat (no walkups accepted!), and we’ll see you at the Faire!

If you’re not convinced yet, check out the video from Maker Faire Bay Area below.  What are you waiting for?!?!

OSMM Hosts 3DPPVD Tonight!

osmm cat

The 3DPPVD crew has been working hard on projects and taking leading roles in this year’s Make: Magazine Digital Fabrication Guide!

Now that the team is back in town, join us for an evening of project chat and planning, as well as discussing upcoming events.  Come see the “wall of printers” if you missed us at S.A.M. Fest!

As always, this event is free and open to the public.  Join us at 7pm, 80 Fountain Street #318, Pawtucket RI.

S.A.M. Fest at Historic Slater Mill, Saturday 8/29



Join us this Saturday, August 29, at Historic Slater Mill for S.A.M. Fest!  Free for everyone and open both Saturday and Sunday, with music to enjoy, food trucks, artists, vendors, and a walkthrough of Slater Mill.

Pawtucket’s very own Ocean State Maker Mill will be there on Saturday!  Stop by our booth and say hi!  We’ll be chatting maker culture and makerspaces, and demonstrating 3D printing with a variety of printers.  A local event not to be missed!

Return of Moat Boat Paddle Battle!

We’re very excited to announce that the Moat Boat Paddle Battle is returning, this time at World Maker Faire New York!

If you missed all the fun and revelry at Maker Fare Bay Area, now is your chance to get in on the action, create and race a boat, and compete for some excellent prizes (3D printers provided by SeeMeCNC).

Check out the video of all the fun at Maker Faire Bay Area in May:

Moat Boat Paddle Battle – World Maker Faire 2015 Teaser from Matthew Griffin on Vimeo.

Moat Boat Paddle Battle is brought to you by Ocean State Maker Mill, Make: and the awesome folks at SeeMeCNC!




One very important component of Ocean State Maker Mill is sharing knowledge and skillsets – not only with other members, but with the greater community.  To help fulfill this mission, OSMM members are posting detailed Instructables to help share their skills with the world.

Pop on over to check out any of the Instructables our members have been working on, and feel free to reach out to us with any questions you may have, or if you’re interested in learning more about a specific project or even becoming a member for the ultimate in knowledge-share!



Jewelry / Accessories


Mods & Updates



All just a work in progress, made with love and dedication by OSMM members!  Want to learn more?  Want to be a member?  Get in touch!




We’ve Been Busy!

Here at Ocean State Maker Mill, we may have been quiet online recently, but we’ve been busy bees offline!

Four of Ocean State Maker Mill’s finest have just returned from San Francisco after participating in Make: Magazine’s Annual Desktop Fabrication Shootout!  With the event led by our very own Matt Stultz (3D Printing and Digital Fabrication Lead for Make:), and joined by members Jason, Spencer and Kurt – OSMM represented 1/4 of the entire testing team.  Look for testing results and reviews in the November issue of Make: Magazine.

We’re gearing up for upcoming Maker Faires – and we’ll see you at both the Rhode Island Mini Maker Faire and World Maker Faire New York!

And last but not least, we’ve been cranking out an entire set of Instructables to share our individual skills with the world!  Stay tuned for increased Instructables updates!

Success! Moat Boat Paddle Battle at Maker Faire Bay Area

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The Moat Boat Paddle Battle at Maker Faire Bay Area was a huge success, thanks to the hard work, prep and testing of Ocean State Maker Mill members, pre-show articles and at-show prep from Make:, awesome sponsorship and generous donations from SeeMeCNC, and the help of several amazing friends to photograph, maintain crowd control and keep the racing troughs in tip top shape!

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With two divisions – Youth and Open Class – and 26 total racer entries, competition was fast and furious!  Youth Class first prize winners with their paddleboat “Booooat” went home with a SeeMeCNC Orion 3D printer, while the winner of the Open Class with boat “Zippercraft” went home with a SeeMeCNC Rostock Max kit.

3D Printed Boat Races3D Printed Boat Races

Be sure to check out our Facebook photo album for more action shots, and stay tuned for further announcements as we work to roll the Moat Boat Paddle Battle to future Maker Faires!  The Moat Boat Paddle Battle was lucky enough to receive TWO Editor’s Choice Awards from Make – onward and upward from here!

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Huge thanks to friends of Ocean State Maker Mill:  Kacie Hultgren, Matt Griffin, HackPittsburgh’s Chris Yohe, and Tom and Holly Burtonwood – all key players in helping Matt & Mandy Stultz of Ocean State Maker Mill keep the race crowds in check at the faire!

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