Robot Block Party Wrapup, What’s Next?

Robot Block Party was a success!  Up top, we’re in setup mode at the event, but if you’d like to see more, check out our newly-founded Instagram feed!

We got some additional press from the Warwick Beacon as well, you can see us in action here:,123961?

So what’s up next for Ocean State Maker Mill?  Rhode Island Mini Maker Faire on Saturday, June 3rd!  More info here, we hope to see you there!


Robot Block Party

It’s Robot Block Party time!  Our members have been super busy – from helping to support the Robot Block Party segment on The Rhode Show this week, to extended hours in the workshop making team tshirts, designing wobble bots, building robot race boards, creating info fliers, and building amazing surprises for the Robot Block Party event!

Check out the segment we helped with on The Rhode Show this week:

It’s a robot block party!

We’re busy bees!

We hope to see you at the Robot Block Party on Sunday, April 30th from 11 – 4.

For more information:

Join us for Synth Sunday – April 23!


Ocean State Maker Mill is hosting our April synthesizer meetup from noon until 6:00 PM at our newly-expanded makerspace in Pawtucket, RI. Whether you’re an experienced knob-twiddler, or are just curious about what this whole ‘modular synthesis’ thing is about, this is the perfect chance to gather with fellow New England synth nerds. Attendees are encouraged to bring their own synths, modules and racks. Headphones are encouraged, but we’ll also have a PA system available for a wider audio experience.

Ocean State Maker Mill is a membership-run organization with the mission of helping encourage the usage of arts, engineering, and science to help make ideas become reality. We provide a workshop for our members to build their dreams, and an educational space for the greater New England community to learn new skills. We are located at 80 Fountain Street in Pawtucket, RI.

(Yes, it’s on Sunday this month, we’re going to alternate between Saturday and Sunday so people who work one of those days can at least attend *some* of them.)

Synth Saturday at OSMM!


 Saturday, March 25, 2017 from 1:00 PM until 6:00 PM

Ocean State Maker Mill is happy to host the first Synth Saturday meetup at our newly-expanded makerspace in Pawtucket, RI. Whether you’re an experienced knob-twiddler, or are just curious about what this whole ‘modular synthesis’ thing is about, this is the perfect chance to gather with fellow New England synth nerds. Attendees are encouraged to bring their own synths, modules and racks. Headphones are encouraged, but we’ll also have a PA system available for a wider audio experience.



Moat Boat Paddle Battle at OSMM

We’re bringing the Moat Boat Paddle Battle local!

If you haven’t been able to join us at any of the Maker Faires we’ve been to, this is your chance to show your design skills by building the fastest boat in the moat – locally!  Join us on Wednesday, February 8th 2017 for the 3DPPVD meetup at OSMM at 7pm and race your boat!

Make sure to follow the rules – they can be found here: Open class rules.

Anyone looking to race must register with us ahead of time. To register, please fill out the link below.



Need some inspiration to get started?  Sample boats can be downloaded here.

We’ll hold the races at Ocean State Maker Mill, 80 Fountain Street, Pawtucket, RI 02860.

No physical prizes for this local race, just racing for fame, glory, and camaraderie!

Join Us for Hack Friday!

Join Us for Hack Friday!


Don’t stand in crazy lines and get in fights to shop for holiday gifts this Black Friday!  Join us at OSMM, relax, and make your presents instead!  Hack Friday > Black Friday!

This Friday (11/25) starting at 10 am, stop by OSMM and we’ll help you make one of the following holiday gifts! We have 3 different options to spark the maker in you!

  • laser cut cardboard dinosaur skeleton – $10
  • cnc milled tablet stand – $20
  • cnc milled wine caddy (holds 2 glasses and a bottle) – $15

Choose 1, 2 or all 3 projects!  In the spirit of reduce, reuse, recycle, we’ll be utilizing recycled materials for making.

If you have a great time and like what you see, we’re also offering membership gift certificates – for yourself or to give to friends and family!

The OSMM workshops are located at 80 Fountain Street, Pawtucket RI, in the Classic Display Building.  Use the call box at the door to ring OSMM for entry.  We hope to see you there!


Moat Boat Paddle Battle is Back!

Moat Boat

The Moat Boat Paddle Battle is back for World Maker Faire 2016!  Join us for paddleboat fun on October 1 & 2nd at the NY Hall of Science in Queens.

Sunday will be our official race day (that’s Sunday, 10/2 only, no exceptions) – make your own boat ahead of time and enter to race!  We’ve updated the rules from last year – please take a good read through for the changes (most importantly: your paddle, propeller, etc. must be 3d printed this year): Moat Boat Paddle Battle Rules

Like last year, we’re sponsored by the amazing folks at SeeMeCNC – and the winner of Sunday’s race will go home with a SeeMeCNC 3D printer!

Race entry:


We’re Having an Awesome (OSMM) August!

August has been good to the Ocean State Maker Mill crew, and we’ve been able to represent Rhode Island and Pawtucket in a big way over the past few weeks at a variety of events.  If we didn’t see you out and about, here’s what you missed!

Rhode Island Mini Maker Faire

Rhode Island Mini Maker Faire at the Pell-Chafee Performance Center in Providence saw us out in full force with our Augmented Reality Sandbox project, as well as some 3D printer demos.  The augmented reality sandbox allows anyone interacting with the sandbox to see real-time changes in the topographical map-style display on the sand, as well as creating landscapes for the fish (in the water) and bunnies (on the land) to reside.  We’re working on some cool mods to this project for the future, so stay tuned for when we’ll be bringing it back out to play!



We showed some 3d printing art action live at the DotAir festival, amidst projection art and music from a downtown Pawtucket parking garage.  We got to meet lots of new friends!



We had a “blast” at SamFest this year at the Slater Mill Historic Site in Pawtucket!  Although we brought our typical 3d printing action, we also built some vortex cannons to entertain the crowd – giving us the ability to blow smoke rings with huge gusts of air.

vortexcannon     crewatsamfest

The White House!

OSMM’s very own Matt Stultz was invited to the Makerspace Organizer’s Meeting in Washington DC at the White House to speak on making and makerspaces, and to collaborate with other makerspace movers and shakers around the country.  We can all learn so much when we work together, and building a community is a key part of OSMM’s mission.


What’s Next?

So what’s next?  World Maker Faire in New York!  Stay tuned for updates – you may want to get involved…

Upcoming Events

The Ocean State Maker Mill crew will be at several events coming up soon!  If you’ve been curious about what we do, would like to meet the team, or know us already and would like to join in the fun – now is your chance!

We’ll see you at:

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Rhode Island Mini Maker Faire (Providence) – Saturday, August 13

More info at:


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DOT AIR (Pawtucket) – Saturday, August 20

More info at:


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SAMFest at Slater Mill (Pawtucket) – Saturday, August 27

More info at:



World Maker Faire (Queens, NYC) – Saturday, October 1 and Sunday, October 2

More info at:


Hope to see you there!